Composer Victor Cui finds inspiration from literatures, histories, linguistics, zoologies, and sounds in nature, and seeks to balance freedom and control, poetics and logic. Victor’s music captures his unique expression through his sensibility of motion and the physicality of sound.
Praised as “fundamentally musical” by the Olga and Paul Menn Foundation at the University of Chicago, Victor’s music has been performed in both America and Europe. Victor’s piece Poltergeist of Kayaköy for flute, clarinet, violin, cello, percussion, and piano, was premiered at the 2023 soundSCAPE Festival in Blonay Switzerland. Excerpts of Victor’s chamber opera, Shadow Stretches Long and White, based on the story of Otto Warmbier, was premiered during the Opera Etude workshop at the Peabody Institute in 2023.
Victor is pursuing a Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) student at the Shepherd School of Music of Rice University. He holds a Master of Music (MM) in composition from the Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University, and a BA/MA joint degree in Music and Humanities from University of Chicago. Victor has studied composition with Ashkan Behzadi, Augusta Read Thomas, Hans Thomalla, Courtney Bryan, Felipe Lara, and Sky Macklay, and he has taken courses in computer music with Sam Pluta and Bryan Jacobs. Victor participated in master classes, lessons, and seminars with Georg Friedrich Haas, Chaya Czernowin, Michael Hersch, Eric Nathan, Du Yun, Nina Young, Nico Muhly, Christopher Theofanidis, Joel Puckett, Missy Mazzoli, and Dai Fujikura.
As a new music performer, Victor participated in many performances of contemporary choral music, including pieces by David Lang, James MacMillan, Anna Thorvaldsdottir, Jonathan Dove, Matthew Aucoin, William Duckworth, etc.
崔汇嘉是美国莱斯大学Shepard 音乐学院作曲专业在读博士 (DMA) 学生,拥有约翰·霍普金斯大学Peabody音乐学院作曲专业硕士学位 (MM),以及芝加哥大学音乐与人文科学学士/硕士学位。曾师从 Ashkan Behzadi、Augusta Read Thomas、Hans Thomalla、Courtney Bryan、Felipe Lara 和 Sky Macklay 等知名教授学习作曲,跟随 Sam Pluta 和 Bryan Jacobs 教授学习计算机音乐课程,并参与Georg Friedrich Haas、Chaya Czernowin、Michael Hersch、Eric Nathan、Du Yun、Nina Young、Nico Muhly、Christopher Theofanidis、Joel Puckett、Missy Mazzoli、Dai Fujikura等著名作曲家的大师课、私教课、研讨班项目。
崔汇嘉的作品被芝加哥大学奥尔加和保罗门基金会评价为“极具音乐性”,在美国和欧洲多地均有演出。 长笛、单簧管、小提琴、大提琴、打击乐和钢琴作品《Poltergeist of Kayaköy》在瑞士布洛奈 2023 年 soundSCAPE 音乐节上首演。室内歌剧《Shadow Stretches Long and White》选段改编自奥托·瓦姆比尔的故事,于 2023 年在Peabody学院Opera Etude研讨会上首演。
作为一名现代音乐表演者,崔汇嘉参与了许多现代合唱音乐的表演,包括David Lang、James MacMillan、Anna Thorvaldsdottir、Jonathan Dove Matthew Aucoin、William Duckworth等作曲家的作品。
Composer Victor Cui finds inspiration from literatures, histories, linguistics, zoologies, and sounds in nature, and seeks to balance freedom and control, poetics and logic. Victor’s music captures his unique expression through his sensibility of motion and the physicality of sound.
Praised as “fundamentally musical” by the Olga and Paul Menn Foundation at the University of Chicago, Victor’s music has been performed in both America and Europe. Victor’s piece Poltergeist of Kayaköy for flute, clarinet, violin, cello, percussion, and piano, was premiered at the 2023 soundSCAPE Festival in Blonay Switzerland. Excerpts of Victor’s chamber opera, Shadow Stretches Long and White, based on the story of Otto Warmbier, was premiered during the Opera Etude workshop at the Peabody Institute in 2023.
Victor is pursuing a Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) student at the Shepherd School of Music of Rice University. He holds a Master of Music (MM) in composition from the Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University, and a BA/MA joint degree in Music and Humanities from University of Chicago. Victor has studied composition with Ashkan Behzadi, Augusta Read Thomas, Hans Thomalla, Courtney Bryan, Felipe Lara, and Sky Macklay, and he has taken courses in computer music with Sam Pluta and Bryan Jacobs. Victor participated in master classes, lessons, and seminars with Georg Friedrich Haas, Chaya Czernowin, Michael Hersch, Eric Nathan, Du Yun, Nina Young, Nico Muhly, Christopher Theofanidis, Joel Puckett, Missy Mazzoli, and Dai Fujikura.
As a new music performer, Victor participated in many performances of contemporary choral music, including pieces by David Lang, James MacMillan, Anna Thorvaldsdottir, Jonathan Dove, Matthew Aucoin, William Duckworth, etc.
崔汇嘉是美国莱斯大学Shepard 音乐学院作曲专业在读博士 (DMA) 学生,拥有约翰·霍普金斯大学Peabody音乐学院作曲专业硕士学位 (MM),以及芝加哥大学音乐与人文科学学士/硕士学位。曾师从 Ashkan Behzadi、Augusta Read Thomas、Hans Thomalla、Courtney Bryan、Felipe Lara 和 Sky Macklay 等知名教授学习作曲,跟随 Sam Pluta 和 Bryan Jacobs 教授学习计算机音乐课程,并参与Georg Friedrich Haas、Chaya Czernowin、Michael Hersch、Eric Nathan、Du Yun、Nina Young、Nico Muhly、Christopher Theofanidis、Joel Puckett、Missy Mazzoli、Dai Fujikura等著名作曲家的大师课、私教课、研讨班项目。
崔汇嘉的作品被芝加哥大学奥尔加和保罗门基金会评价为“极具音乐性”,在美国和欧洲多地均有演出。 长笛、单簧管、小提琴、大提琴、打击乐和钢琴作品《Poltergeist of Kayaköy》在瑞士布洛奈 2023 年 soundSCAPE 音乐节上首演。室内歌剧《Shadow Stretches Long and White》选段改编自奥托·瓦姆比尔的故事,于 2023 年在Peabody学院Opera Etude研讨会上首演。
作为一名现代音乐表演者,崔汇嘉参与了许多现代合唱音乐的表演,包括David Lang、James MacMillan、Anna Thorvaldsdottir、Jonathan Dove Matthew Aucoin、William Duckworth等作曲家的作品。